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The Cut Parklets



A parklet is typically an old parking space that has been transformed into something for people to enjoy. They are great for bringing communities together, and providing some much-needed local green space.

The existing experimental traffic filters have changed The Cut from a place used by through traffic to a place to linger and spend quality time in.

In line with Lambeth’s Kerbside Strategy and Climate Action Plan, parklets open the kerbside to create places for people to rest, play and garden. 

Parklets offer a place for children and adults to play outside and develop their independence. They can provide a space to rest, improve access to greenery and public space, and foster stronger communities, whilst also being a place to learn new things. You can grow fruit and veg, use them as performance spaces or areas for outdoor learning, or even just be a simple patch of grass.


Parklets at the Cut

We have reallocated several parking bays to other uses, including cycle parking, greening, public seating and space for commercial seating. These parklets were also installed as trials and we want to hear your feedback on whether to make them permanent or not, and if other functions should be introduced.

Parklet for business use

Throughout the COVID pandemic, we saw business across London leap at the opportunity to expand their operation out into the street – at the time to enable social distancing. Looking forward, we want to build on this success and support businesses in Lambeth to consider if extra outdoor space could support them. 


Cycle parking parklet

We need to design our kerbside so that it supports everyday cycling. Cycle parking takes up very little space - you only need to repurpose one parking space to securely store 12 bikes. 

Having a practical, secure place to store your cycle when you get home is fundamental to owning a bike, and to cycling on a regular basis. For many households, the absence of a place to store bikes will likely be a key factor in them not having one.


Seating parklet at the cut

Lambeth will be a place where we empower local people to think creatively about how the kerbside can be used. Community parklets are spaces on local streets where your ideas can come to life. A shared garden, a place to sit on a sunny day or chat to neighbours - we are going to enable these uses to take place in the kerbside.

This engagement phase has finished

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